IDECO è rivenditore esclusivista dei prodotti Galvi (freni e respingenti) per la Romania.
IDECO is exclusive reseller of Galvi products (brakes and bumpers) for Romania.
IDECO este distribuitor unic al produselor Galvi (frane si tamburi) pentru Romania.
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Din anul 1962 Galvi proiecteaza si produce Frane, accesorii si dispozitive de rotire pentru Frane cu Saboti si cu Disc, Servofrane, Clesti pentru Franarea de urgenta si tamburi, componente de siguranta utilizate de obicei pe aparatura de elevatie, scripeti si utilaje de diferite tipuri operational, de exemplu in domeniul siderurgic, portuar, pe santiere, in domeniul minier, naval, constructii civile, in industria mecanica, a cimentului, hartiei, a energiei electrice precum si reciclarea resturilor solide urbane, pe benzi transportoare, malaxoare pentru cauciuc si benzi rulante pentru transportul persoanelor.
Galvi detine doua fabrici, un sediu legal la Lissone (Milano) denumit Galvi Newcomen cu o suprafata de 5.600 metri patrati din care cca. 3.400 metri patrati acoperiti si un sediu modern in India denumit Galvi Engineering cu o suprafata de cca 18.500 metri patrati dintre care 3.000 metri patrati acoperiti, sediu fondat pentru a servi direct pietele asiatice si pentru a preveni si rezolva diferite probleme de productie , tipice in intreaga lume. Pasiune, constanta si seriozitate, pe baza acestor valori, de mai bine de 40 ani, Galvi previne si rezolva problemele clientilor care datorita nenumaratelor exigente au contibuit la formarea unei importante si recunoscute experiente in sectorul franelor industriale.
Since 1962 GALVI has been manufacturing Shoe Brakes, Disc Brakes, accessories and rotating components for Shoe Brakes and Disc Brakes, Thruster, emergency Calipers and Buffers, safety components typically used in cranes, winches and different kinds of machines and plants used in steel industry, ports, shipbuilding, mining, shipyards, in civil, mechanical, cement and paper industry, in power stations, in waste management, on belt conveyors, rubber mixers and people transport plants.
Galvi has two factories, in historical Italian factory in Lissone (Milan), named GALVI NEWCOMEN, which has a total area of about 5,600 m2 with about 3,400 m2 covered by buildings and a modern factory in India, named GALVI ENGINEERING, which has a total area of about 18,500 m2 with about 3,000 m2 covered by buildings, specifically built for supplying directly the Asian markets and for facing and solving in advance the many different manufacturing problems which are nowadays typical of western countries.
Passion, steadfastness and seriousness: starting from these values for more than forty years GALVI solved many problems and needs of Customers which have contributed to the development of an important and recognized experience in the Industrial Braking world.
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